# 28 Venturing forward...

In 2006 I got on my "get known nationally now" tour...It was the year that I bravely put myself out there...I submitted articles and art work to national magazines...I had the great honor to be published in many of them...I also got rejection slips...but I did not quit because of them...I continued on in-spite of them...

Then some magazines started reaching out to me to contribute...how cool is that! By 2008 I had been published 16 different times in around 6 different magazines...some with just art work...but most of them had articles that ranged from 2 pages to 4 pages...I even had a blog that was highlighted in ARTFUL BLOGGING

By the time 2009 arrived I was deep into care giving for Michael and I let myself slip away from my art...from submitting...from myself.


Today, I sent out a submission article...My first of many I hope to do again...however it is no longer my "get known nationally now" tour...but rather I am writing again because I have to...I have a voice that wants and needs to be heard...and I am no longer leaving myself by the side of the road....BECAUSE:

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