
Today, I am looking at the directions that I am going in...I feel as if I am all over the board...Trying to finish projects...trying to stay centered...trying to be true to myself...trying to please others...trying to do it ALL!

Today, I am looking at the out going and the incoming...finding the gaps and the empty space...allowing myself this morning to surrender to the silence that lies between them all...

Sometimes my head will run past my hearts wishes...sometimes my heart surpasses my head...sometimes I feel as if I am going so fast that I blur everything...other times so slow that nothing is in focus...

Today, I am looking to the silence...trying to see the way to go...trying to weave my nest with all the tools available to head...all coming together to make sense of everything...Today, I give myself permission to relax in that silence...not having to make anything happen today...not putting demands on myself...not needing answers at this moment in time.

Today, I am standing in the silence that lies in between all the directions I am going in and I know that I will see the right direction clearly when I am ready and I know that:

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