Has it been that long since I last posted here? REALLY was it THANKSGIVING! WOW!

My life as you all know took such a turn this year with reuniting with my son and his family!
And here we are in a brand new year!

What is in store for me?!?

One thing I am committed to this year is restarting my journaling....I really haven't been very dedicated to it for the past 2 years...but I restarted on the 1st of January...and so far so good! I journal Monday through Friday in a small 6 by 6 journal that I am making...the word that I choose this year was....LISTEN.  For me that just means listen to the stirring of my heart once again what it whispers to me. Listen... to myself.
It has not been easy...actually it has been a little rough getting into the swing of it...being vulnerable enough to really listen to what I have to say. But I continue on...everything is worth it to get back to my voice!

May your voice speak loud and clear to you!

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