Just Be...

Today, is a difficult day for me...I have lost someone who had touched my heart...my spirit...and I will go this afternoon to say good-bye to her...I will hug her sisters knowing that their loss is much greater than mine...

I often put up a strong front...part of that is because I may not want to show that I am hurt...vulnerable...partly because I learned that showing your emotions was a sign of weakness...but today, I will allow myself to just be...to express my feelings...to wear my heart on my sleeve...to be soft and gentle with myself...to be loving and kind toward myself...and to be the real ME...

Today, I will allow myself to expose my love for those who touch my heart without being afraid of the outcome.


1 comment:

  1. Love the new look and the art work.
    Especially enjoyed our phone conversation. For never having met we sure did gab like old friends didn't we! I'm so proud of you.


Let me hear your voice...