Finding Pattie...

I feel a bit like "finding Waldo"! Where or where am I??? First I had the flu...then a cold came on after that...and for the past week I have been elbow deep in the paint, making 50 pieces of art that will be available from the publisher when the book, Permission Slips for your heart and soul is ready for pre-ordering! I finally finished them last night and will package them up over the weekend and send them ALL that is left to do is finish the website and make a video!! (LOL) Don't get me wrong it is all very exciting! But, lots of work!
The wonderful part of this adventure is connecting with women who I have admired for years. These women have agreed to review the book and I am getting some of those reviews IN and WOW! I am overwhelmed with the response...I will be able to share those soon!
My studio is still a mess...and I HAVE to get to it next week...or I won't be able to do anything! I need to get back to my journal...but I am giving myself permission to hold off on that one for the moment...
So, with a BIG SMILE on my face this morning I freely admit...

1 comment:

  1. I've been wondering where you were. Glad to know you've been busy creating. I can't wait for the pre-ordering day to arrive. Please keep us posted.

    May the sun shine brightly on your day.
    (And if it doesn't, well then, have a cup of tea and a cookie!)


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