# 19 Happy Heart...

My heart is happy today...and I am finding so many reasons to smile...

I just finished a short exercise for a friend who is writing a book..I wrote down 5
things I was grateful for...then quickly 5 more...a deep breath and then 5 more till I had 20 wonderful grateful things listed...showing me what truly makes my heart happy.

Happiness really is so easy when we allow it...it can come in just a few minutes...For me, it can come from the warmth of my first cup of coffee...the sun shining brightly on a crisp fall day...writing here...holding someones hand...laughing from my core...painting...daydreaming...or even the silence of the night...it comes especially when I am in the company of those my heart treasures...silly jokes...knowing all the words to a song...so many small moments that come at different times that I am enveloped in happiness.

Allowing myself to take the time to reflect on what makes my heart happy brightens my day...satisfies me....allows contentment to overtake me...

I am making happiness a priority...I am writing here every day...I have gotten out my paints...I touch and am touched by others...and I am finding that I always have something wonderful to smile about...and my heart is happy!


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