As many of you know I have been doing an art journal for many years...however, since Michael's passing last year I have found it difficult to find my listen closely to the words of my heart....BUT on May 10, 2012 my heart burst open...and the words started to flow...but this time in a different manner....I write to my son every morning thoughts. Learning more about myself and at the same time sharing my heart with him. After 42 years I have finally unlocked a door...I am sharing that journal page here with you today...
What is it about time that causes one to focus on
it? There are lots of thoughts and clichés about it..."not enough time" ... "to much time on my
hands" ... "where did the time go?" ... "time flies" ...just to mention a few...I try very hard each day
to stay in the present...not to project to far backwards to the past, which there is nothing you can do to
change...(although I must readily admit that since May10th I do have quite a few flashbacks to the
past...some very pleasant memories...some not so pleasant,but none of which can be changed and so they are
stored in memory banks...some behind locked doors,some where the doors are just now being opened for
the first time in many years... others where the doors are wide
Today, I am trying very hard to not project myself
to far into the future...(where I will hug my son for the second time in our
lives) Would I give up the wonderment of this day, this moment to be in the
future moment where we will be face to face...within each others personal space
and time? This morning I certainly would (or so I quickly
but then I feel the beating of my heart...the
softness of this morning...and I wonder...If I
could do that what miracle would I miss?....and I am reminded of other
clichés..."everything happens in due time" ... "to everything there is a
season" ... "you are exactly where you are suppose to be at this moment in
time"... and I am aware that if I had projected myself into the future on May
10th I would not be writing this note...
This morning as I think about "time"... I let my
heart sing...I let my heart beat strongly...I listen to the words that flow from
it...I start my morning with a smile...I stay ever present to this day...and
know that YES...I am exactly where I am suppose to be this morning...writing a
journal page to my son.
Today, I give myself permission to be present...present to this very moment in time where everything is exactly as it should be! And my heart soars!
It is very hard for me to be in the moment. I seem to be always looking back or rushing forward. I'm not even sure why this is. Your mandela for today is as cheerful as it is beautiful.